Downloading ZPT-JS

About the code

The code is hosted and developed in the ZPT-JS GitHub repository. All source code is kept under Git revision control, which you can browse online. If you have access to Git, you can connect to the repository here:

git clone

ZPT-JS is provided under the GNU Lesser General Public License 3.

Downloading last stable version of ZPT-JS

Go to ZPT-JS GitHub repository, click Releases link and click the first zip or tar.gz bundles.

Downloading ZPT-JS using npm

ZPT-JS is registered as a package on npm. This is the recomended way of downloading it. You can install the latest version of ZPT-JS and its dependencies with the npm CLI command:

npm install zpt

Building and testing

Go to Building and testing for details about starting a test version of ZPT-JS.